Friday, December 24, 2021

Women Facing Injustice throughout History

Women are responsible for their inhumane situation in the societies of our Arabic-speaking region. This is one of the recurring “unscholarly” statements.

Historical, anthropological and sociological studies affirm that “male culture” is the result of men and religious institutions (also male).

They also state that the man has taken advantage of his physical strength and the fact that he is responsible for the expenses for the family and household, as well as his wife, as a justification to consolidate the patriarchal culture that makes him dominant. 

This rationale has become less effective nowadays. 

Since all clerics are males, religions have been employed throughout history to legitimize the patriarchal culture and give the man the power to be dominant, prevail and be obeyed. 

Women were subjected to this type of relationship for centuries, in addition to the self-serving deployment of religion that underlined the supremacy of men to the extent that it decrees angels curse the woman who lets her husband sleep while feeling angry with her. 

Since then, many women have believed that the man is the master and in the fact that she is obliged to serve, obey him and comfort him.

Contemporary psychology presents us with the Stockholm syndrome, which is a psychological response wherein a captive begins to identify closely with his or her captors, as well as with their agenda and demands.

This applies to the cases of many women who have become dedicated to defending the patriarchal culture. They believe in the man’s dominance and use religion as a means of defense. Some texts say that if there were a person worthy of prostration after God, it would be the man.

However, women were exempted from this prostration since it contradicts the oneness of God.

In conclusion, the historical, anthropological and sociological scientific studies have shown us how the patriarchal culture has been established, as well as the role played by clerics to consolidate it. They have also indicated the relative elimination of the patriarchal culture in some of the most advanced societies.

Finally, psychology reveals the nature and truth of the impact of Stockholm syndrome on women who defend men’s superiority and rights and stress that God and angels get angry at wrathful women. Their admiration of man’s dominance is only an example in the patriarchal culture. 

History proves that men have always oppressed women, and they should be ashamed. 

Who gave men the right to set the rules that women have to abide by? Men have even set the rules of what women should wear. 

There is not time enough for men to apologize for oppressing women.

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