Friday, March 11, 2022

The Masculine Mentality under the Microscope

A recurring comment is that women are responsible for their inhumane situation in the societies of our Arabic-speaking region. This is an "unscientific" statement. Historical, anthropological, and sociological studies confirm that “male culture” is the offspring of two parents: (1) men, and (2) religious institutions, meaning men again. These studies also confirm that man has historically used two tools to consolidate the patriarchal culture which gives him supremacy over women. The first tool is his physical strength over that of women. The second tool is that he is the one who achieves the material income and that party which spends on the other party. If the importance and effectiveness of the first tool has decreased in the modern era, the effectiveness of this second tool has decreased to a lesser degree. 

Historically, and since the clergy are above all males, religions have been employed to legitimize the spirit of masculine culture and to legitimize all the details of the relationship between men and women, which is established on the basis that the man has the upper hand, the right to command and forbid, and the one who deserves to prevail, dominate, and be obeyed. And as women were subjected to this type of relationship for centuries, and as it has been accompanied by the diligent employment of religion, it effectively established the supremacy of men to the extent that the heavens themselves become angry at the woman who angers her husband!  Even the angels curse the woman whose husband sleeps while he is angry with her, because many women believe in the man’s loftiness, in his being the master, and in the fact that she is obligated to serve him, obey him, and comfort him. 

Contemporary psychology presents us with the theory or idea of the ​​"Stockholm Syndrome", which these words sum up: the prisoner's fascination with his jailer. This can be applied to what has happened in the cases of many women who become dedicated to defending this mosaic of patriarchal culture: the supremacy of the man to command and the admonition that she (the woman) is obligated to obey with the full acceptance of his being the supreme party. This is reinforced through religious texts which say that if there is a person worthy of being prostrated towards after God, it will be the man to whom his wife must prostrate. This supremacy contradicts the Oneness of God to whom He alone deserves to be prostrated. 

In conclusion, historical, anthropological, and sociological scientific studies show how the patriarchal culture arose and took root, and the role of the clergy in consolidating it. It also shows the beginning of the process of a relative erosion of patriarchal culture in some advanced societies. Finally, it is psychology that reveals the nature and truth of the impact of the Stockholm Syndrome on those women who turn to lawyers to defend the superiority of men and all his advantages, with their rights as a being higher than those of women, and even as a being that angers God (and angels) and deserve His wrath. However, this  dedication to the belief by some women of the superiority of men is not the cause of the patriarchal culture but rather a symptom stemming from it. 

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